Holter Scanning
Permanent Technician Placement, Vacations, or Overflow
Digital Holter Scanning Service
Customers with compatible digital Holter Monitors can send us their Holter ECG on our HIPAA complaint, secure Holter Portal. The patient demographics are entered in the Portal, and the ECG is uploaded. From there, our certified technicians will download the data and create a hospital-quality final report. The report is uploaded to the Portal for storage and will await downloading. You can set your preferences to be notified by email when there is a new report ready.
Long-Term Holter Analysis
Customers with long-term Holter Monitors can send their studies to the Portal for studies up to 14 days. The service is the same as the standard 24-hour Holters, except the report will be for a longer monitoring period.
Please Note: All of our services are in full compliance with Medicare guidelines. Please inquire about proper billing procedures.